September 15, 2020
Mixidisc S
September 15, 2020
High-speed and versatile cultivator which combines surface cultivation and loosening to a depth with even levelling and consolidation, all in one pass.
  • Optional packer rollers, each providing different qualities dependant on exact application. Consolidation and moisture preservation is key across the range
  • Quick change point auto-reset
  • Semi-mount linkage, brakes and lights as standard
  • Hydraulic folding
A versatile tool capable of shallow to deep cultivation. Good seedbed creation, soil moisture retention, soil compaction alleviation, and high output capabilities. All encompassed in a minimal maintenance design.


The front twin row of discs cut trash and initiate the cultivation process.


Two staggered rows of spring-loaded tines allow for either a full width under-cut and mix or zonal work (depending on which points are fitted)


A row of sprung levelling paddles designed to carry soil, evening out the peaks and troughs.


Proven Mulitpacka which leaves the surface level and evenly consolidated across the full width